Every experience I have had and accomplishments I have attained in the past helped define who I am today. Everything I have gone through and have done in the previous years of my life molded me into the person I am today. Not only did they shape me into who I am but also guided me in discovering the potentials I have buried deep within me and those I never thought I had. These experiences and accomplishments often mold us into someone we never thought we would be. Looking back at my past, it was not all good. I regret nothing, however, for I know that everything in life happens for a reason – may they be good or bad. Without the challenges and hardships of the past, I may not be who I am today. Back when I was in elementary school, I always
Growing Up We all have accomplishments in life I just think mine changed me in a greater way than most. As a kid I didn't really care about many things especially school. The only thing I really bother to find interest in was probably sports and the way others thought about me. Then came a day where nothing really mattered to me but my academics.
My past experiences, the people surrounding me throughout my life made me the person that I am now. The values I was giving have been the base of the decisions I’ve made and the consequences from those decisions have shaped me as a strong and mature person.
To start, I have gone through a lot of troubles that has changed me both physically and mentally. On the other hand, the hardship that has influenced me the most happened in elementary school. I was a small, timid 3rd grader, terrified to talk or even make new friends. Additionally, I was struggling on every subject, and receiving grades from Cs to Fs. My teachers tried to put me in special classes, yet they did little to no use to help me move forward. Eventually,
Paragraph 1: Everything that’s happened in my life makes me who I am, but what really makes me, me? I think family, sports, and friends have made me who I am today.
It has taken a lifetime of events for me to get here. To abide the person I am today has taken uncounted people to contour me. A very considerable role model in my life, the one person that is the reason I am who I am today, is my grandmother. My grandma Virginia Smith was my like a second mother figure to me. She taught me ethics, even at a young age, that are still applicable today.
The obstacles we face in life have ways of shaping and molding us into the people we become in the future. Depression and anxiety are issues that I still continue to deal with to this day. Yet, through years of self healing, I have been able to reveal a tenacious side of myself that I had no idea even existed. These issues stem from relentless bullying I experienced throughout middle school. I felt as if I was not worthy of respect like everyone else around me. Going to school day after day with people who detested my existence was unbearable. It was like walking into a lion's den wearing a necklace constructed of nothing more than meat. On many occasions walked in on conversations that I was the topic of. Eighth grade brought me the most turmoil.
When I look back into the past, I see the immature, ignorant side of myself, who is always causing trouble with my short temper. There are countless actions which I regret, but I wouldn’t say that I want to change them since that is what made me into the person I am now. A few regrets I have are not taking opportunities when they were presented to me, or not giving it my all to complete/learn something new. As a child, I was sent to dance class every Saturday. I didn’t understand my parents’ difficulty of taking their time to bring me there as a child because I simply couldn’t process that thought. I refused to spend my time at home to stretch, but now I realize the importance of dance in my life, and the inability to meet my own expectations of flexibility. By reason of this regret and other events, I learned to appreciate what is given since not everyone has these kinds of chances. The lessons that I have learned now will help aid me in the future because it has influenced me to become an understanding
Another way we can grow from our past is by having determination in our everyday life.This can help others
We must not let our past define us, but it is my past that has paved a way for my future. I owe everything I am and have achieved to my mother who has endured interminable years of hard work to provide for her children. It is poverty, hard work, discrimination, education and the desire for a better life that has driven me to my goals.
We need to stop checking under our bed for monsters, and realize that the monster is inside of us. Everyone is in this battle of trying to be our authentic self but also that struggle of finding ourselves.
Today, however, I don’t think back anymore and refuse to ponder as to why some people behave certain ways, and why the lack of action still persists within our community. Instead, I appreciate the fact that these experiences have allowed me to become the person I am today: decisive, dedicated, conscientious, and passionate towards anything I choose to do. Consequently, these experiences have allowed me to better know myself, my abilities and skills, as well as my
When it comes to the later years of your life, your past influences where you are going. There has been trauma in my life and I became a success in my own eyes. Since I have children I would never put them into those same experiences that I had to endure. There are things that will push us to become better but that doesn’t happen until you reach your adolescent years. But because of past the years ahead of me are not determined, they are just a guideline to what may come. There will be further studies for my life because we are learning new things every day, we become more enlighten in what the future will
What Makes Me Myself I could be smart, talented, and near perfect, but none of that would matter without my character. What is character? Character is defined as the moral and mental qualities distinctive to an individual. My character is one that should be unique and stand out from others.
I would never have thought, that my life would be filled with so many twist and turns. When I was in sixth grade, I finally thought I would stay in one place until I finished high school. Little did I know I would be attending seven more schools before I even graduated high school. Experiencing every transition was a headache but in the end, I am more than grateful I was put through those experiences. Everything I went through made me who I am, I changed a lot but the change was good. Throughout my experiences, I have become adaptable and considerate, but I’ve always been stubborn.
The realization of my identity was something new to me and I love learning something new, yet I was hesitant to look back in the past because I am not one to really reflect on the past until this assignment. While reflecting on some of the happiest memories about myself, it also comes with the one no one wants to ever visit which were the unpleasant memories. Considering the past can help you learn things about yourself that you never knew. Some of the earliest memories that I can recall was way back from kindergarten and even until now. While considering the past, I thought about how I saw myself and what others saw or thought about me.