
Who I Have Transformed Over 15 Years

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Who I have Transformed into Over 15 Years
I am embarrassed and ashamed of the snapshot you have viewed of my performance in high school. Aside from my parents, no one apart of my life over the past decade is aware I am capable of such a poor performance. I feel ashamed because my actions represent more than just myself, I represent the Army as a senior leader, one who is charged with mentoring, training, and educating some of Americas brightest young men and women. My high school years do not define me; please take in consideration the tremendous work I have strived to accomplish over the past 15 years.
My journey of change began on the morning of September 11, 2001. After viewing the devastating news of the Twin Towers on television, I …show more content…

In my first junior leadership role, I am tasked to lead a team of young Paratrooper on door to door search and rescue missions. Sadly, most of the homes and facilities did not have survivors. Months after returning to Fort Bragg from Hurricane Katrina, I am back on a plane now heading to war. I lead eight Soldiers in Iraq threw 15 months of nightmarish war. My Platoon Leader, Lieutenant John Johnson, records in my performance evaluation “outstanding mental and physical conditioning enabled him to lead from the front during 15 months of continuous combat operations… Unquestionably top 2% of NCO’s [Non-Commissioned Officer] I have worked with in 7 years”. With the conclusion of my tour with the 82nd Airborne Division, I am now enlightened of the devastating destructive power of nature and a witness the evils of what war really is. I am now determined more than ever to live my life to the fullest potential and to give 100% at all I do.
With my new determination, I am sent to Los Angeles, California to work as an Army Recruiter. Recruiting proved to be a changeling job. Nonetheless, I was determined to be successful, I volunteer to compete in the highly competitive Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year competition. The challenged called for months of after duty hours study. The different levels of the competition consisted of board panels of the most senior Non-Commissioned Offices from each region of the United States. The board member would ask question that covered

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