
Who Is Charles Vyse Figure?

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The Question of Attribution An exceptional feature of a Charles Vyse figure, and one that strikes the viewer immediately, is his modelling of his subjects’ faces. No matter their age, sex or the category of subject, there is the familiar, a similarity of the high cheek bones and the innate humanity that shines through. However, to the serious collector, an artist’s signature and the date of execution are exceedingly important pointers when authenticating an artefact. However, the artist signature may change or is sometimes indiscernible on the artwork in question. Charles Vyse is known to have changed his signature over the course of his long career as a potter, and only occasionally dated his figures in the 1930s. In 1928, Charles and Nell Vyse held their first joint exhibition at Walker’s Galleries, London. The Vyses appointed Ernest Marsh to write the catalogue notes, and record all their new figures. These were published annually in the art magazine Walker’s Monthly. In 1930, John L Naimaster took on the task of writing the exhibition notes and cataloguing the new …show more content…

Desmond Eyles, Richard Dennis and Louise Irvine, the authors of Royal Doulton Figures (revised 1987), had unparalleled access to the figure archive of Doulton’s Burslem factory. The figures of Leslie Harradine are meticulously catalogued along with those of other Doulton modellers. However, one cannot always rely on the evidence of a figure’s back stamp, or even its HN number. Just as the small studio pottery, so is large scale figure production subject to human error. Occasional a genuine Royal Doulton figure comes to light, minus its official back-stamp. Others have been known to bear an HN number, quite unrelated to its designated colour-way. These anomalies, which appear to have escaped the Doulton rigid inspection regime, are often acquired by collectors for their curiosity

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