
Who Is Killing Richard Strout Justified?

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In modern society’s media we find solace in the idea that heroes are able to save the day, whether they have some unexplainable powers or are your average pedestrian that does an act of heroism so extraordinary that it has to be covered. When these acts are performed, whether they are in movies or in our own reality, the question is presented whether or not the action was morally just or not. A form of media that truly represents said moral question is Andre Dubus’ “Killings.” For the father of Frank Fowler, Matt, the idea of killing Richard Strout is justified because of the actions committed onto his son. To analyze the killing of Richard Strout one must first assess why Strout deserved to die. While someone can simply say because Strout …show more content…

Since Strout never spoke aloud to another person of his intent to kill Frank, his case in court would be seen as second degree murder, which would not be a case where Strout receives life in prison or death, rather his punishment would in most cases be years of prison time, but that does not satisfy the parents of Frank, Matt and Ruth. Matt decides to turn against the judicial system and avenge the death of his son himself, alongside friend Willis. During the buildup leading to the death of Strout, Matt converses rarely with Strout, even when Strout attempts to explain his side of the situation the following line reads, “‘Don’t talk,’ he said” (Dubus 113). Matt demands Strout to not speak because Matt doesn’t want to sympathize with the same man that killed his son, this also is a representation of Matt striving to cloud his own vision of morality. In Matt’s subconscious he understands that these actions he takes will be considered meditated murder in court, which would be life in prison for both Matt and Willis, but during his interactions with Strout all Matt believes on the outside is the he is avenging the death of his son. This action is morally just because Matt is defending his family from future encounters with Strout, while also avenging the death of Frank, and saving Mary Ann from Strout possibly returning once again to

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