
Who Is Shirin Neshat?

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For three and a half decades, the Islamic lifestyle has evolved to become the cultural norm of what used to be the Iranian Kingdom (Parvaz, 2014). Muslim political commanders have persecuted the human rights of liberty and justice inherent in the Iranian nation (HRW, 2014). The freedom of women to express themselves culturally, socially, and politically has been, and still is, neglected within the Islamic society due to the radical ideology held by the fundamentalists of the leading regime (IranHumanRights, 2015). Culture, gender and political factors principally comprise the distinctive work of Shirin Neshat, as her desire and concern is to, “inspire, provoke, mobilize, and to bring hope to” the people of her homeland (Neshat, TEDtalks, 2011). …show more content…

The composition of Neshat’s photographs throughout her work concentrates on cinematic and theatrical aspects of visual art due to the way she uses narratives and story telling to express her own views and beliefs. With these skills, she transmits information, whilst “being the voice”, “the speaker of” Iranian women (Neshat, TEDtalks, 2011), elaborating on their social and political concerns and issues within their environment. This metaphorical method of raising awareness creates a much deeper meaning than just a still image being displayed for its …show more content…

Available at:

Sheybani, S. (1999) Women of Allah: A conversation with Shirin Neshat. Available at:;c=mqr;c=mqrarchive;idno=act2080.0038.207;rgn=main;view=text;xc=1;g=mqrg

Baum, K. (2012) The fertile crescent: Gender, art, and society, page 7. United States: RUTGERS UNIV INST FOR WOMEN AN.

Signs Journal: Artist Statement - Shirin Neshat (2012)
Available at:

torilee (2012) Featured artists.
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Khan, D., Friedlander, R., Ogunnaike, N. and Staff, H. B. (2014) What the media consistently gets wrong about Muslim women and the Hijab.
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