
Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

Decent Essays

There is a large dispute over who is responsible for Juliet’s death in Shakespeare’s famous tragedy, Romeo and Juliet. A large number of people argue it is Juliet’s parents’ fault or that it is Romeo’s fault, but truthfully, there is no one else to blame but Juliet. Juliet is responsible for all her own actions and it is she who decides to terminate her life. A large majority of people believe that she had no other choice but to take her life, although there were numerous different paths Juliet could have done in order to save her life. One way Juliet is responsible for her own tragic fate is how secretive and deceitful she is acting. The phrase, “Honesty is key”, is thrown around very often, but only a minority of people believe it. Unfortunately, Juliet was not one of those people and she chose to sneak around everybody's backs. Juliet wants to be with Romeo and Juliet made the decision to “kill” herself in order to be with him; although ultimately, those plans change when Romeo truly believes she dies. Maybe if Juliet had been truthful about what was going on and came clean to her parents, her fate could be different. …show more content…

Although Romeo was dead, Juliet was only fourteen and still had so much life left. Every single person loses loved ones and a large amount of them learn to live with it, one way or another. Juliet still has innumerable people who loves and care for her, she is not alone. Everything affects everything, and Juliet taking her life will have a domino effect on everyone

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