
Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

Satisfactory Essays

Love is an odd and powerful thing. It can make people do the craziest of things, even die for someone you hardly know. In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet knew each other for a very short period of time and believed they were in love with each other. So in love they died for each other. Was the death of these two star-crossed lovers their own fault or did it have to do with someone else? I believe the deaths of these lovers was not just their fault. Obviously, Romeo and Juliet had blame in their deaths. Romeo was “in love” with Rosaline before Juliet came along. “I love someone. She doesn’t love me.” (Act I, scene i) In this quote, Romeo refers to Rosaline who doesn’t love him. He says he is in love with

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