
Who Is To Blame In Romeo And Juliet

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To blame someone means you accuse someone for an action that occurred and assign responsibility for a fault or wrong that happened. In some cases, who to blame is a simple answer. In other cases, it is extremely difficult to hold someone accountable, when in fact there are multiple people who are at fault. In the case of Romeo and Juliet, countless people add to the tragedy that grew throughout the story. Although, the main person who is at fault for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, is Friar Lawrence. Throughout the play, you see Friar Lawrence become more and more irresponsible in many ways. The Friar made impulsive decisions without thinking and it caused a major disaster throughout the town. Cause and effect scenarios occur from the beginning of the play to the end. The biggest mistake the Friar made was marrying young Romeo and Juliet in secrecy. Not only could the two lovers be punished by their families, but the Friar could have been executed or banished for such an act. Common sense tells you that it was doomed from the beginning, and by rationalizing the idea of …show more content…

When he did this, things went downhill extremely fast. Juliet was placed in a tomb, believe to be dead, but in fact was just unconscious. Her parents along with Paris grieved over her departure and Paris went to visit her when he was savagely killed. Romeo, who was banished from Verona, heard news of Juliet’s death and decided to kill himself next to Juliet with a potion he got from Apothecary. Romeo was supposed to receive a letter from the Friar stating that Juliet was not dead, but she had just taken a sleeping potion and would be waiting for him when she woke up. “The letter was not nice, but full of charge, Of dear import; and the neglecting it May do much danger” (Shakespeare, 470). Friar Lawrence caused major turmoil and as shown, was at

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