
Who Is To Blame In Romeo And Juliet

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“For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.” The tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet sets in fair Verona, Italy. It follows two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. In William Shakespeare’s tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare reveals that the pair of star-crossed lovers were destined to fail through the many different events in the play such as the feud between the Montagues and Capulets, the death of Tybalt and the mimicry of Juliet’s death.
The two noble families, the Capulets and the Montagues possess an ancient grudge with each other, with the streets of Verona being their battleground for bloodshed, which helps drive the plot of the story to it’s tragic ending. …show more content…

Moments before the duel between Romeo and Tybalt took place, a heated argument took place between Mercutio and Tybalt. This resulted in the two drawing their swords and engaging in battle with each other. The battle ended with Tybalt impaling Mercutio’s breast with his sword, mortally wounding him which later killed him. This follows the previous example of the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues which always leads to bloodshed. Romeo challenged Tybalt to a duel where he avenged the death of Mercutio by murdering Tybalt. Mercutio’s relative, the Prince sentenced Romeo to banishment as his sentence for killing Tybalt. This furthermore strained Romeo and Juliet’s relationship.After hearing the news about his banishment, Romeo calls it “purgatory, torture, hell itself. Hence banished is banish’d from the world, and world’s exile is death. Then ‘banishment’ is death misterm’d. Calling death ‘banishment’ thou cut’st my head off with a golden axe” (Shakespeare 3.3). Romeo regrets his actions as now he is no longer allowed to see Juliet. He calls this worst than death and would much rather have been executed than be without his love. Meanwhile in the Capulet’s household Juliet hears about Romeo’s actions and is heartbroken. She …show more content…

First Juliet must consent to marry Paris, and then the night before the wedding, she must drink a sleeping potion that will imitate death. With her death, the Capulet household will lay her to rest in the Capulet tomb, where then she will wake after 42 hours and be retrieved by Romeo who will elope with her to Mantua. However, the plan fails as a letter explaining the details of the plan was unsuccessfully delivered to Romeo in Mantua. Upon hearing the somber news, Romeo seeks out an apothecary for poison “whose sale is present death in Mantua, here lives a caitiff wretch would sell it him” (Shakespeare 5.1). With Juliet gone, Romeo finds no reason to continue living in the world as seeks an apothecary to buy poison from. However, it is unaware to Romeo that Juliet is in a deep sleep and will wake sometime after the next 42 hours. He rides his horse from Mantua to Verona and approaches the Capulet’s tomb to see Juliet one last time before he supposedly joins her in the heavens. But, when he arrives, Paris is already at the tomb mourning over his lost of Juliet. Romeo and Paris exchange glances and draw their swords with Romeo ending up victorious. Romeo sets himself right next to Juliet and drinks the vial of poison perishing a few seconds afterward. Surprisingly, Juliet wakes up a few minutes afterwards unaware of Romeo’s corpse lying near her. But when she does spot Romeo, she once again is

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