
Who Made Greek Mythology Real?

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Greek Mythology is an study of a cultural belief that is not true. This is the reason that we call most of these stories myths. A myth is a made-up story or legend that involves a event of hero in which the laws of physics do not occur. Some are Hercules, the Gods, Odysseus and the cyclopes, and Perseus. These are all myths because there’s no evidence that these things are real. The person who created Greek mythology was a poet that was named Hesiod he was a worker for Homer, when one day he thought “were do the dead souls go or where did we come from” so then the gods popped in his head, he finally gave it to the people in 2000 bce. But when he announced his thought nobody believed him so it didn’t get accepted until 700 bc. Where it came …show more content…

These are the Gods he created Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Hephaestus, Hermes, Apollo, Aphrodite, Athena, Artemis, and Ares. So now you know their names, you got to know where they live. They live in a cloud palace named Mt. Olympus which is the highest peak in Greece it is where the gods watch over the people. The peak is called Mytikas. The Gods are great and all good but some are better than others, The major Gods are Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. This is because they are air, water, and underworld. These are the main elements of earth which is why they are the major Gods. Now Their symbols and meanings The Eagle of Zeus for the sky, the Three Tipped Trident which controls the water and it’s Poseidon's weapon, the Cow for Hera because it’s the motherly animal, Demeter has the Corn Plant for agriculture, Ares the spear of war, The owl of Athena because she’s the goddess of strategy and wisdom, The Lyre for Apollo because it’s the musical instrument of the Gods, Artemis with the moon for the night hunt, Hephaestus has the Anvil and Hammer of blacksmith, the Dove for Aphrodite which means peace and love, Hermes the Caduceus because it’s speed, Hades the realm of darkness because he’s pretty

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