
Essay on Whole Foods Market

Satisfactory Essays

Whole Foods Market: 2010 How to Grow in An Increasingly Competitive Market?
Patricia Harasta and Alan N. Hoffman
A Case Study Analysis
Antonia Jackson
Dr. Pamela Barnes
13 October 2013

I. Introduction
Whole Foods Market is one of the biggest organic and natural whole food suppliers in the world. They provide a wide variety of select foods that are without hormones or antibiotics and are stamped with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s stamp of approval. They value the fact that they can provide people with access to healthy food and be identified with being socially and environmentally responsible.
II. History
Whole Foods Market started off as being Safer Way natural grocery store in 1978. However they were not …show more content…

A weakness that Whole Foods have is their reputation. A reputation for a grocer is key to its survival and they have the reputation of being very expensive or some call it “whole paycheck.”
a.ii) External Environment
One of the biggest external environmental threats against Whole Foods is increases in domestic competition. At its inception Whole Foods was one of the only providers of organic foods. However now there are many rivals who have taken apart of this ever going interest in our society for better living. Stores such as Wal-Mart and Target have joined the bandwagon of providing their customers with organic foods. With many stores now offering organic foods this has put a dent in the availability of organic foods in other words has shorten the supply of organic foods to Whole Foods. Another external environmental threat was the economy. When the economy went down during the recession many people had to make tough choices when it came to their finances and one of the biggest things that were changed was the amount that they spent on groceries. Many people just simply deemed natural organic foods as being expensive and not a necessity. A major opportunity that Whole Foods have embraced was that during the recession Whole Foods recognized that they need to make adjustments decrease the overall prices. Another major opportunity that they need to embrace is marketing the necessity of whole organic foods. Letting people know that eating right is vital to

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