
Why A College Education Is Important To Me Research Paper

Decent Essays

Why is a College Education Important to me? A college education is important because a college education opens doors for me in getting the necessary qualifications to start my career off on the right path. Without a college education, most businesses would look over my resume and pick the person with a degree and experience to stand behind. To succeed without having to struggle financially, I must invest in an education that will help me build a lifetime career. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." As I think about that quote and what he went through it makes me want to work towards living my best life. The quote makes me feel determine to succeed. …show more content…

My family lacks the curiosity to further their educations gives me a reason to go beyond anybody's expectations of me. I have the ambition to learn new things and strive for knowledge and with doing anything I try my best to excel in what I set my mind too, education is one many. I know the price and importance of having a good college education that will pay off in the future, paving a way to raise a family with a stable foundation. I know without college everyone expects you to settle by default in be miserable, but that's just not me and I don't take too kindly to settling for mediocrity. in having a college education will be the unlimited accomplishment for my entire family, I will be able to say I am first and members my immediate family to go beyond

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