
Why Are People Born The Same?

Satisfactory Essays

There is a theary about how people born the same and is what happens after chaged you. Babies are the same, but while they are growing the different things that happened on him is what made us who we are and made us behave different. We are living in a unfair society. Some family were poor some were rich. some parents were kind and some were mean. It is easy to understand that children usually are a lot alike with there parents, because we born known nothing and how does baby learn is by directly copy moves from there parents. If a child have a very mean dad, probebly he would also becom a very mean person. Afterr you have a brife understanding of the world you are a teenager, and this part of your life is when your mind developped the fastest. Things happend in your teenage life would built you as who you are. people who has been betrade before would have a trust issue, people who has been bullied will be more isolated with the other. …show more content…

I love reading very much. the reason of that is simple, I love hear stories. That is because when I was just a child, my mother used to read stories to me before I went to bed. No matter how tired she was, it will always be at least one story. After I have been older, she stopped reading to me but let me read myself. This experience helped me to be able to find a lot of intrest by reading. years by years, as more I read, more knowledge and stories I know. these things start to become a part of me, and that is what make me who I am. I believe every people are the same. There is no prime nor least. Your personalities is all depends on your experience while you grwing up. That is why education is very important. A good education can make the children better that is what effect your

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