
Why Are University Writing Courses Required For College Students?

Good Essays

Why are university writing courses required for college students? Throughout the United States, most college students are required to take a writing course within their first year. It has been debated that this class is only useful to those students within a writing based major. University writing courses offer useful information and techniques to all students. This information can be beneficial to all students and is not major specific. University writing courses present techniques which students can apply within a professional environment such as forwarding, countering, and the idea that writing is context dependent. Through the application of appropriate concepts from a university writing course, students can become overall better writers within their specialized major.

College students must endure the heavy workload that comes with each of the classes that they take. While these classes all require different skills to be successful in them, they also share some of the same required skills as well. One of the most important skills to have as a student is to have strong reading and writing skills. While students may use mathematics, problem solving, and reasoning skills, the most important skill they will use is writing.
Students often question why they need to take a university writing course. Statements such as, “Why do I need to take another writing course?” or “How is this going to help me with my major” can often be heard by students. You too

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