
Why Children To Read Research Paper

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When you ask adolescents if they enjoy reading why do they often answer no? Maybe it doesn’t often cross your mind, if at all, or possibly you don’t love to read yourself. Whatever the case one fact remains true. There is a high percentage of younger children who don’t like to read, now more so than past years. Many believe they understand why. A great deal of parents look up “How to get my child to read,” but they don’t always know why their child won’t. How can parents affect the way children view reading?

Well, let’s begin with the basics and ask a simple question, “Why are children no longer interested in reading anymore?” There are many reasons why kids these days won’t pick up a book and it differs from child to child. First …show more content…

Though bribing may influence an adolescent to read temporarily, it will not work out in the long term, since they will be expecting rewards every time they sit down with a book. What you are trying to do is get them to build the habit of reading on their own. Finally, you shouldn’t nag your child. Remember you’re trying to encourage your child to read not make them resent …show more content…

Patterned concept books “expand children's understanding of an idea, relationship, or theme.” (University of California Cooperative Extension. “Types of Books to Read to Young Children.” University of California Cooperative Extension. Web. 12 Oct 2015. ) Books that have no text allow adolescents to interpret and figure out what’s occurring in the book for themselves. Folktales and fables which are often told orally help to teach children of different cultures and people. Books such as rhyming stories and poetry can aid children to develop phonemic awareness. As you can see, reading a variety of different children book genres can give adolescents the ability to develop language skills such as phonemic awareness, interpretation, pre-reading skills, learning about letters and numbers, and promoting

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