
Why Choose Cerec Crowns?

Decent Essays

Why Choose CEREC Crowns?
One-day crowns in our Columbia dental clinic are custom-made with high-quality ceramic. Some advantages of CEREC crowns over traditional crowns:
CEREC crowns can be made in as little as an hour and placed in one visit. It saves you time because you don’t have to skip work or use up your vacation days to go to the dentist.
No need to wear a plastic or temporary crown that may leak and get discolored.
Because your mouth is mapped out with 3D images, there’s no need for messy impressions.
CEREC crowns can be color-matched to your existing teeth for the most natural look. Ceramic crowns also have the same characteristics as tooth enamel.
If the crown causes bite problems, it can easily be adjusted with on-site equipment.
You’ll only need to make one visit to our office to have beautiful CEREC crowns placed!
The Beauty Of Metal-Free Crowns
Dental crowns are caps that cover the entire visible portion of a tooth. If your Columbia, SC dentist recommends a crown, it usually means that the tooth is severely damaged or has lost most of its structure. Crowns are also used to protect a weak tooth, cover a large filled cavity, cover dental implants, hold a fixed bridge in place, and restore tooth structure after root canal treatment.
Crown Materials
Dental crowns can be made of all-metal, all-porcelain, porcelain-fused-to-metal, or composite resin. The material depends on the location of the tooth to be replaced, your preferences, and your budget. Resin crowns are

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