
Why College Should Be Free

Decent Essays

It's Time For Collage to be Free.

Many people look down at college. Why, it gives people jobs and makes the community better educated. Yes, but today that number of people who worry about college tuition and who can't afford college is closer to 50 percent. This number is larger than ever before. People wonder why our country is not as amazing as it could be.

College is expensive as ever, our country is tearing people down with the cost of taxes, bills, insurance, and on top of that is a loan for college tuition. It is carried around with someone like a load of bricks everywhere until, people can get a job and and pay off the loan. Doesn't that sound like too much too handle for just a young adult? College tuition should be free.

The first reason college should be worry free is so we can have a better educated country as a whole. Our country could be stronger than ever before with a better educated population. The author Ella Anderson states “By negating the large bill of a college education, this then creates a more well-educated workforce and a population that has better critical thinking skills.” So instead of of having a problem that takes critical thinking from few people, our country could increase as a whole and fix worldwide problems. …show more content…

In the text called Is College Education Worth It states “However, students from other countries that have tuition free college have that luxury, most of their loans come from living expenses and books.” Jealous of Germany and other countries? It's not just you. Germany has had a small population boost and with this population boost they are getting an economic advantage, college should be free in

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