
Should College Tuition Be Free Research Paper

Good Essays

Shakira Lewis
Dr. McAllister
ENGL 1102
15 November 2016
Should College Tuition be Free? Should college tuition be free in America? Many people will have different opinions on this topic but they should also have good reasons behind their choice. Some people don’t go to college because they say they can’t afford it. But that’s where loans come in so that will help you. But then you have to pay those loans back when you graduate. Most people can afford college so that’s not a problem. So should college tuition be free? I believe it should. To know if college should be free or not you should have pros and cons to better your reason. Some pros are, “more lower-income students might reach graduation. Some students drop out because they do not …show more content…

Making college tuition free would eliminate this reason for not graduating. This would also serve to improve college’s graduation rates, as fewer students would feel the need to drop to part-time status or take a break from education for financial reasons”. I feel as if more people would go to college if it was free. As you should know people like it better when things are free, “by negating the large bill of a college education, we could see an increase in the amount of students able to attend college. This then creates a more well-educated workforce and a population that has better critical thinking skills. This could lead to more innovation in all areas if society”. Graduating students would be so much happier debt free, “student debt will no longer crush the younger generations. If an American college student is able to graduate with less than $10,000 in student loan debt, they are considered lucky. However, students from other countries that have tuition free college have that luxury; most of their loans come from living expenses and books. Without the weight of student loan debt, more college graduates might buy houses rather than renting …show more content…

I feel as if college was free more people would go. Being in debt is not a good feeling. Most people come to college based on scholarships and most people are not qualified for one. I would be so happy if I did not have to pay back my loans.
There are good pros and cons to if college tuition should be free or not. You have to really think about these things before you say yes or no. You could say yes then later on think about why that wasn’t a good choice. And that’s the same for picking

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