
Why Colonists Decided To Declare Independence From Britain

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Independence Many factors were looked over when the colonists decided to declare independence from Britain. The crux of these reasons was the fact that Britain was passing brazen and strict laws that hindered the colonists’ rights and freedom. Of these laws, the most prominent ones were the Stamp Act, Tea Act, and finally, the Intolerable Acts. However, Parliament was given a reason to pass these draconian laws. During the French and Indian War, conflict within the colonies arose, mainly with leaders sent by Britain. After the war, ties with Britain were severed as the colonists began to question their British authorities. First, Britain restricted the colonists from settling west by declaring the Proclamation of 1763. This infuriated the colonists as they believed that they were allowed to settle wherever they want. Attempting to regain control over the colonies, King George III, along with Parliament passed strict laws that angered the colonies. At first, they passed the Sugar Act and Stamp Act which mainly taxed goods that were imported and exported into and out of the colonies. These acts were …show more content…

First, they passed the Townshend Acts, which again, taxed goods used by the colonists. Then they passed the Tea Act, which forced the colonists to buy tea from one company. The colonists’ reaction to these laws was equally as brazen. Along with protests and boycott, the colonists participated in the Boston Tea Party where participants disguised themselves as Native Americans and dumped the English tea into the Boston harbor. However, Parliament responded with a cruel punishment, the Intolerable Acts. These acts closed ports until all the tea that was dumped into the Boston harbor was paid. They also gave more control to Parliament and banned town meetings in the colonies. This final action lead the colonists to declare war against Britain, to declare independence

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