
Why Did Europeans Fail To Imperialize Africa Analysis

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European countries such as Britain and France, which they owned most of the African land, they had the most power during this period of time but Germany was a rising power during this period of time. During 1500 to 1800 Europeans used Africa for its resources, for example the Europeans gathered gold and ivory, which was very important at that time. One of the big questions in this article is “how did European countries cooperate with each other?” this is a good question because they shared most of the land with each other. The three main reasons why this was unfair was because first of all European countries took over native lands without permission and second of all they took all their valuable resources and last but not least they destroyed their homes and forced them to work. The reason why Europeans failed to imperialize Africa was because their animals were not adapted to the African habitat, which led to the animals dying off. Malaria was one of the diseases that technically ruined European imperialization of Africa, but the native Africans had an immunity to the disease which the Europeans didn't (257). Disease and the lack of them adapting to the habitat was one of the reasons why Europeans stopped expanding . …show more content…

Guns in my opinions weren't they only thing they had to try and imperialize Africa they also had man power which they used slaves or natives to do the hard work for them like building Train rails and mining for valuable resources(257). Without this Europeans wouldn't of been able to imperialize Africa, but they also had another great invention that helped alot with transporting goods from country to country and that was the steam engine, without this Europeans wouldn't of made a profit from all the valuable resources in

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