
Why Did George Have Shot Lennie's Death

Decent Essays

Did George do the right thing by shooting Lennie? That’s a good question, and to me I think he did. If it wasn’t going to be George who shot Lennie, then it would’ve probably been Curley. The way Curley wanted to deal with Lennie was by making it as long and as painful as it could’ve been for Lennie. Towards the end, the author mentions Lennie having a happy laughter before he was shot and that to me is a humane way to be killed with all the other options being considered. The reason why it was better for George to have shot Lennie instead of Curley was that George got to give Lennie a happy last memory with both of them just talking about the ranch and tending the rabbits. George and Lennie were best friends and practically family, so why …show more content…

It could have, but if it was would Lennie have had a pleasant last memory? The situation could've been avoided if Curley's wife never went to go talk to Lennie while he was in sorrow over his dog. But if Curley’s wife never went in would Lennie have ever had a happy ending? Lennie ended up killing a puppy, and it was only a matter of time before George found out, which would have led to Lennie getting mad because he wouldn’t have gotten to tend the pups. Even after that would the three men ever get enough money to buy the ranch. If not then they would be working on the ranch until they couldn’t work any longer. Then where would they end up going when they have no place left to …show more content…

Did Curley actually love her or was she just property for him. If the whole time in the book she’s referred to as “Curley’s wife” then she isn’t really being treated as a person, she’s being treated more as property or as a belonging and that really isn’t a humane thing to be treated like. Even when Curley’s wife first died, Curley wasn’t sad that he had lost his wife. He instead was angry that someone had taken his property or his belonging. That right there isn’t love, that’s greed and possession and that isn’t something that you should kill about. If Curley had really loved her he would have called her by her name and not refer to her as “his wife”. Curley was just all in all mad that he had one less

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