
Why Did Hitler Rise To Power Possible?

Decent Essays

The decline of the Weimar Republic was a key element that made Hitler rise to power possible, however there were many other factors that allowed him to implement his policies. Hitler's unearthing of his abilities of being hypnotic during mass speeches and an aggressive propaganda speaker. There was no other competition for Hitler, for example even the German conservatives did not have a political concept to challenged Hitler. The depression in Germany during the early 1930’s made Hitler a genuine contender as a German politician because Hitler’s radical right wing party criticized the government for the economic downfall (Haffner, 2012). How many factors contributed toward Hitler’s rise to power? Hitler could have simply been in the right place …show more content…

The people of Germany lost faith in their government and were overwhelmed with financial difficulties. These negative factors produced a nation of unwarranted distinction that demanded a leader who can deliver. Hitler had the gift to entrance the people of Germany with his unwavering mass speeches. Haffner (2012) explains Hitler’s ability to successfully master the technique of a mass-audience orator. This came in the appearance of a charismatic leader to the people of Germany who were deceived by a man whose only desire was to be in complete control. Yukl (2010) explains a dark side of charisma where a negative consequence is the reduction of good suggestion by followers when they worship the leader. These personal factor gave Hitler the opportunity to employ his hypnotic mass speeches and Nazi propaganda. Hitler had an acute and threatening understanding of mass-audience orating. A charismatic leader and a hypnotic orator, Hitler was able to manipulate the minds of the German people with his radical political views and personal agendas. According to Meier (2000) Hitler spoke to mass-audiences using demagogic oratory. Hitler's ascendency and controlling personality was a desired change for the people of

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