
Why Did The Colonists Break Away To The American Colonists Causes And Report

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For the American colonists, there were many reasons to be agitated at the English. The
English were very strict and harsh on the colonists while they were under their rule. They also taxed the colonists without representing them in parliament, limited their ability to trade, and imposed multiple acts upon the colonists for their own gain. Because of this, the colonists were extremely angry. They felt that they should have the right to make their own decisions, and the
English had no right to determine how they should live their lives. Therefore, the colonists decided that they wanted to break away from English rule. A major reason that caused the colonists to break away was the fact that the English were very strict upon the American colonists. They always wished to impose their will upon them, and one example of this occurs during the time of James II’s rule. James was very distrusting of the colonies and their assemblies. Therefore, he decided to centralize and create the Dominion of
England. In doing this, he prohibited the colonies in this dominion to have legislatures. Instead, he appointed Sir Edmund Andros as the governor of this dominion, and he used this to make the royal control over the colonies stronger than it was before. His rule was very strict, and the colonies had less political freedom under his Dominion of England. Another major reason that caused the colonists to want to break away from England was the fact that the English forced taxes

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