
Why Did The Roman Martyrs Tell Us About Roman Society?

Decent Essays

1. What did the stories of the martyrs tell us about Roman society?
Roman society didn’t care for the Christians very much. They would blame them for communal catastrophes, such as earthquakes and outbreaks of diseases. They would claim that these misfortunes were caused by the Christians angering the gods. Being Christian by itself was illegal. “The crime of being Christians; that is, to belonging to an illegal sect or association. The penalty for such unlicensed association was death.” (pg. 174) There was freedom given to anyone who renounced their faith and was willing to worship a Roman god. The martyrs went through vicious punishments for staying in their faith. This tells us that living in Roman society could be fatal if you don’t follow what the Roman Empire expected you to be.
2. Tertullian claimed that “the blood of the martyrs was the seed of faith”. How did the persecution strengthen Christianity?
The persecutions of the martyrs strengthened Christianity because the martyrs if they were willing to be killed for their faith then it must be very significant to them. The martyr’s suffering mirrored Jesus’ suffering and reinforced faith among Christians. “They looking upon her in her conflict, beheld with their eyes, through their sister, Him who had suffered for them in order to persuade those who trust in Him …show more content…

He believed that they killed Jesus. “From their childhood they read the prophets, but they crucified him whom the prophets had foretold.” (pg.185) He had much hatred for the Jews saying “They know but one thing: to fill their bellies and be drunk, to all cut and bruised, to be hurt and wounded while fighting their favorite charioteers.” (pg. 185) He didn’t respect their sanctuary; “Indeed the synagogue is less deserving of honor than any inn. It is merely a lodging place for robbers and cheats but also for demons.” John Chrysostom believed the Jews were evil and spare no expense when talking negatively about

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