
Why Do Americans Commit Suicide

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It is a normal day and you come home from work normally. You yell up the stairs to ask your child what they want for dinner, but they do not reply. You then storm up the stairs and throw their door open to see your child hanging in the closet with a towel around their neck. On their desk is a suicide note. They committed suicide because of the stress building upon their frail shoulders and you did absolutely nothing to stop their decision. Now, you mourn for your child and suffer over your loss. Every night, you shed tears that never seem to stop. However, you are not alone. Nationally, about 42,773 Americans die because they killed themselves. Most of these Americans are teenagers who did not live their life to the fullest yet. Thousands of families are suffering …show more content…

Ethan, a teenager who failed his math test, almost took his life with a gun. He was scared of the wrath and disappointment his dad will show because of his grade. He was about to kill himself when his little sister, Grace, came home from school. Later, he decided to talk to his dad about how he almost ended his life. He realized that he almost threw his life away and that his dad loves him no matter what is happening. “Die” seems to be the solution to problems that teens try to use whenever they want to be relieved from a situation. Little do they know that dying can break the hearts of loved ones and can cause many problems. “Both the CDC and the National Mental Health Association (NMHA) point out that suicide rates for teens have tripled since 1960 -- making it the third leading cause of adolescent death and the second cause among college students” ( Think of the number of teenagers lost because of their mental problems. Nearly every day, a family experiences the heartbreak of losing a loved one. Teenagers are killing themselves due to many reasons, but there is a way to help prevent it -

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