
Why Do Art Programs Improve Children's Self-Expression?

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As a member of society, children can exercise their right to freedom of self-expression; both verbally and non-verbally. Some children have issues, expressing themselves, which can cause them to shut-down or display aggressive behaviors. As an alternative, children are allotted the opportunity; to instead, engage in creative arts to express their feelings. By including art programs such as art, music, and dance at schools, educators can help the children develop higher levels of self-awareness, self-efficacy, self-expression, emotional stability, reduce negative emotions and aggressive behaviors (Rebollo, 2009). As a form of dynamic storytelling, creative art programs have been recommended and offered at some social institutions which have included schools, healthcare facilities, prisons, and some community centers (Rebollo, 2009). I firmly believe that the educational system should mandate all public schools to include art, music, and dance activities in the curriculum. This scarcity led me to ask the following questions: Why is there a lack of public funding for programs that can help improve a child's well-being and quality of life? And Why are the public schools in urban and low-income neighborhoods the first target? …show more content…

These subjects have been deemed considerably prevailed in a competitive global economy (See, 2015). Brazenly, some government officials have described the arts to be nothing more than, a "luxurious add-on that the government can't afford" (Gregory, 2017, pg.1). Seemingly, education has classified that some subject matter, while others do not; even if it strengthens ties to peers, the community and help children become more committed to their work (Gregory, 2017). Art, music, and dance have been deemed effective and help improve collaboration, motor, and spatial language skills (Gregory,

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