
Why Do Bayers Use Cerivastatin?

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Instead of chocolate helping you boast up dopamine, and a sweet aftertaste in your mouth. Medicines can do the same! Medicines have become a revolutionary adult candy. Where we turn our heads to whenever we are having a bad headache or even a serious chronic issue. In other words, forget the chocolate when you can have medications which is beneficial for your body, right? Likewise, we’ve heard it on the news, “Taking Tylenol can help with headaches. But, yet don’t take to much due to possible liver damage.” Furthermore, consumers buy drugs off the selves and even get from doctors to prescribe them. Do we believe that these small capsules actually give the benefit it tells us? Even so, would it be alright to take pills often and if so can it …show more content…

Bayer, the pharmaceutical company that developed Cerivastatin, is an innovation company that develops new molecules for use in innovative products and solutions to improve the health of humans, animals and plants. The main focus of their research and development activities are based on understanding the biochemical process in living organisms. Cerivastatin was introduced in 1997 because Bayers thought sales potential was limited and based on ahead when market conditions improved it looked promising for many years until it was pulled off from the market in 2001 due to the thirty deaths that were linked with the drug. Bayers has been dealing with the aftermath ever since. The drug was pulled from the market due to it’s reports to the FDA of development of rhabdomyolysis—a rare disorder in which muscles tissue is broken down and can lead to organ failure and death—in patients who took the drug! There have been accusations during Bayer’s lawsuit from the many families of those who died after taking Baycol how staffs of Bayer’s struggled to response to the increasing number of reports of patients who became ill with rhabdo while taking Baycol. In March 2000, Bayer did take an internal analysis of the reports of rhabdo cases and have their epidemiologist, Steve Niemcryk reviewed reports of rhabdo that regulators …show more content…

Vioxx was developed by Merck and was approved May 1999. It was on the market for about five years until recall was on September 30, 2004 where the company itself attempted to cover up risks may have resulted in the unnecessary deaths of thousands of patients around the world. The risks were heart attacks and strokes were increased due to the use of Vioxx and nearly thirty thousand excess cases of heart attacks and sudden cardiac related deaths was resulted from the use of the drug between 1999-2003. Merck attempted to cover up it’s action and FDA even added by approving sales of the drug without further investigation of the potential harm consequences of the medication use. The reason for it’s development was not to aid those who had dysmenorrhea but it was Merck way of of boosting it’s revenues by developing a huge drug. Because of the high adverse events, doctors felt the company to place the drug in a study to compare to other drugs to demonstrate it’s gastrionintestional improvements. So the company placed the drug in a 1999 study known as VIGRO (Vioxx Gastrointestinal Outcome Research) and manipulate the results. The study only gave out results of the supposed heart benefits of naproxen rather then statistically show the

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