If an Olympic athlete on a team uses performance-enhancing drugs and then found guilty, the entire team becomes disqualified and must return any medals obtained. Performance-enhancing drugs, PED, spans back centuries in regards to athletes, but the earliest known in American professional teams dates back to 1889. As the years continue, performance-enhancing drugs became high in demand due to wanting a better edge. Even though utilizing PED remains illegal, cases continue surfacing in high school, college, and professional sports. Tests continue to expand and improve in order to catch more substances taken by athletes nowadays. Performance-enhancing drugs tests taken by athletes prove ineffective as a result of known effects, promotion of younger athletes, and ultimately getting caught. Destroying one’s body becomes the repercussion of stopping performance-enhancing drug usage. Anabolic steroids, androstenedione, human growth hormones, erythropoietin, diuretics, creatine, and stimulants--each a banned drug that hold different effects on the body. Anabolic steroids, increase muscle mass and strength, contains the risk for men and women of hypertension, increased low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol), decreased high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol), aggression, …show more content…
Athletes must become educated in regards to the dangers of the drugs--both physically and mentally. Coaches and parents should stay alert for symptoms while taking performance-enhancing drugs. If one notices an athlete taking performance-enhancing drugs, one should seek a treatment option to prevent further use. Sports need to equal the playing field by everyone using their natural ability, but this could never happen if performance-enhancing drugs continues as a
“Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Jose Canseco, Alex Rodriguez, all of these baseball players have admitted to the use of Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs)” (“Performance Enhancing Drugs”). “Mark McGwire broke Roger Maris’s 37 year old record of 61 home runs. McGwire hit a total of 70 home runs in 1998. Sammy Sosa also broke Maris’s record with 66 homeruns.” In “2001 Barry Bonds broke Mark McGwire’s home run record by hitting 73”. “In 2009 Sosa, Bonds, and McGwire all admitted to using PEDs during their careers” (“Sports Tarninshed”). Many professional baseball players have admitted to the use of Performance Enhancing Drugs through out their career. Performance Enhancing Drugs have given these players an unfair advantage
As he waited in the waiting room to hear his test results, he thought about all those times he abused his body just to be captain of his college football team. Due to taking anabolic steroids, he now may have kidney failure just because he wanted to impress everyone. Anabolic steroids should not be used by athletes because they affect the brain, have long and short term effects, and they are addictive.
Steroids and PED’s are used today in sports to help athletes gain muscle mass and strength. Other athletes use them to boost their athletic performance. Today, about 30 percent of college and professional athletes still use anabolic steroids, 10 to 20 percent of high school athletes use them (Lewis). There are many reasons why steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs shouldn’t be allowed in sports.
Athletes using performance enhancing drugs has been a problem since the late 1990’s. For the athletes the use of steroids are cheap, easy to access, and effective; that is until now. Collegiate Student Athletes should be drug tested every season for illegal substances before they are allowed to play. There are many reasons why these athletes should be tested, such as the negative effect steroids have on their bodies, the drugs are illegal to use, and if caught using these drugs the athletes careers could be over.
They’re many reasons why college athletes would take performance enhancers drugs during their college eligibility term. Being a college athlete myself, I can understand how people rationalize or persuade themselves in taking steroids. Most of the time athletes ego’s get in the way where they think they are unstoppable and that nothing can ever cause harm to them. They get in the mindset that the effects of steroids in the short-term with out way the consequences in the long term. Some college athletes also just to have a shot at playing the game professionally and the million dollars come from it can solve any problem. Some college athletes believe that there is no life outside the sport they play and there is no plan B for them. College athletes also use steroids as a way for them to try to prevent injuries and to push their bodies well passed the normal limits.
sport to better themselves as an athlete. Many sober athletes work day and night to get
Over the years, this has been forgotten as people focus only on winning. From 1968 on, hundreds of Olympic athletes have been caught doping. PED’s are considered cheating in today’s sports. Although every athlete is determined to win, PED’s have no place in sports. When athletes resort to using these drugs, the endanger their health and their safety. An example of this is the death of Danish cyclist Knud Enemark Jensen who died in the Olympics from the use of amphetamines which caused him to lose consciousness and fall from his bicycle to his death. Another consequence of PED use is setting a bad example and being a bad role model. In 2007 many fans were let down when Barry Bonds tested positive for performance enhancing drugs. Many fans, both young and old, looked up to Barry and were disappointed with his choices. With so many baseball players using performance-enhancing drugs today, the integrity of the game has been lost. The players who use PED’s negatively affect the players who play the game without cheating. One of the worst consequences of all for using PED’s is being suspended or banned. Since the 1960’s, the technology for PED testing has improved and more athletes have been caught, suspended or
“CRACK” and there goes his third home run for the game. This has never happened in his baseball career until today and many people are asking questions. Is this natural? Or is there something going on behind the scenes? As it turns out, he had actually been using performance enhancing drugs (PED) for the past seven months leading up to the game. PEDs have become very common in today’s time. Athletes around the world use these products to push the boundaries and to strive for greatness. When people think of PEDs they think it has to do with professional or college students but it has found its way onto high school campuses. High school student want to improve their skill so they can make it to the next level. PED’s among high school students and athletes is becoming more prevalent and has serious consequences in how the drugs affect their bodies.
Athletes use performance enhancing drugs to boost their game. The professionals who use these drugs are ruining the integrity of the game. Many people don’t understand why professional athletes would go to such extreme measures to be better when they have already proven themselves. Athletes are just taking away from their natural ability by using these dangerous drugs. The risk of using performance enhancing drugs is a lot greater than the reward, because an athlete’s reputation could be tarnished and their career ruined. Money is one of the major reasons why players use them; if they perform at levels higher than what their natural abilities could do they will be offered a large sum of money.
The most commonly discussed issue in sports of the 21st century is the use of performance enhancing drugs by professional athletes. Over the past four years, it has been nearly impossible to turn on the television without hearing something about athletes and these drugs. From former National League MVP Third Baseman Ken Caminiti's admission of steroid use in an issue of Sports Illustrated (Verducci, 2004) to 2006 Tour de France Champion Floyd Landis being stripped of title due to a failed doping test (Blue, 2006) virtually every sport is involved. Are performance enhancing drugs a substance that threatens the very existence of professional sports, or are they the future? Perhaps the issue
Performance-enhancing drugs (PED 's) have been an issue for many decades now for the medical and sports field. Olympic and professional athletes have been using them to gain an upper hand on the competition, but some may ask if it 's really worth it? Studies show that performance-enhancing drugs have been proven to negatively affect the health of athletes who take them. Simply put, performance-enhancing drugs could either improve athletic performance or can be extremely dangerous, in certain situations, deadly. There have been strict rules and drug testing in the professional sporting organizations, as well as in world competitions. For example, in the summer of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, in two of the
Steroids were first invented in the 1930’s. The Germans experimented the steroids on their own dogs and their prisoners to stay fit and healthy because their prisoners suffered from malnutrition. In 1950’s many athletes came to know about the steroids. They came to know that steroids are very good for their sports as these can help them in achieving their goals with less effort. The athletes mainly used steroids for power lifting beating all the records of the past. It was then proven that testosterone was the only reason behind the magnificent results in the athletes. No sooner Dr. Ziegler and his workers in the lab started working on testosterone and tried to make it more and more refine and pure. After seeing the results of some athletes others started to use the steroid too. The use of steroid was so common that the steroid could be found easily everywhere. Then on March 1 1991 the federal anabolic control act was in effect putting anabolic steroids oh the schedule
Abstract: With the increase of competition has also come the need to become bigger and stronger than the opponent. The use of steroids among athletes has caused the focus of the game to change. No longer does an athlete want to win by doing their best, but they want to become bigger and have an advantage over the opponent. Ultimately, all athletes feel that they need to use performance-enhancing drugs to compete at the same level. Despite all of the warnings and information on performance-enhancing drugs, athletes continue to use them and overlook the potential health risks associated with steroids.
For many years, performance-enhancing drugs have become very prevalent all over the world. A lot of people have struggled with making the decision to take them and then suffer the repercussions of their choice. Most of the time, its athletes that take PEDs and they then have a lot of influence over other people regarding the use of drugs to improve their work. Performance-enhancing drugs have become widely used all over the world and can cause many harmful effects on people’s bodies, minds, and reputations.
Many people believe that drug use in professional athletics is not a serious problem, however it is more widespread and serious than people think. In professional athletics the use of drugs is looked upon as somewhat of a serious problem, but is also very discrete and low key. Every once in a while one might see a prominent figure in a certain sport being reprimanded for the use of some outlawed drug, however this is just one of the many who happened to get caught. Athletes today seem to find no moral problem with using performance-enhancing drugs, or in other words cheating. Also many of them feel that because they are "stars" there should be no repercussions for their illegal activity.