
Why Do Colleges Offer Online Courses

Decent Essays

In recent years, more colleges and universities offer online courses and admit them to be a formal program. This is a good phenomenon for operation of schools since it makes students have more options. Online courses provide more convenience and flexibility to different kinds of requirements, and create more potential possibilities for courses development and design. Therefore, colleges and universities should offer degrees entirely online.
Primarily, online courses allow students to arrange their schedules with more freedom than traditional courses. If students have a tablet or any other technological products, they can get the class from the website and learn it anywhere and anytime. For example, on-the-job training programs are a kind of online courses for students who have to work or need to improve their abilities. These people are absent to go to class in regular time because most of their working schedule in weekdays or irregular time, traditional types of courses are not suitable for them. Also, online courses have fewer …show more content…

Some people doubt the efficiency of online courses since they think it’s harder to focus on online courses such as videos than normal courses. There is a report published from The U.S. Department of Educational and Riesinger (2017) states “this study said that classes which include online components showed better learning outcomes than those with purely face-to-face instruction.” It means that it’s doesn’t matter whether people learn from online or not. If students really want to learn, they will find some ways or try to adapt different types of courses. On the other hand, there are other people think online courses are individual class which is lack of communication. But, this question is gradually solved by platform or chatroom that students can discuss or ask questions. Therefore, online courses have more advantages than

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