
Why Do Muslims Face Discrimination In New York

Decent Essays

Most of the reason why Muslims face discrimination in New York is due to the past history of the city and country. Muslims have almost always faced discrimination in NYC, but after the terrorist attack of 9/11, Muslims have never faced more discrimination. When Islamophobic attacks cooled down, they were reignited by ISIS and other extremist attacks that have occurred in the last two years. Islamophobia has always been prevalent in the past 50 years in the U.S., and especially NYC. Since 1950, American courts used the excuse of being a Muslim in order to deny people citizenship (Wendeiss, BBC News). Ever since the tragedy of 9/11, Islamophobia has grown rapidly in the past two decades at a pace that has never been seen before.
9/11 marked the beginning of the multitude of cases of Islamophobia. The actions of a few radicals shaped what is the false perception of Islam. Many Americans, especially New Yorkers, believe that Islam is a faith of violence, terrorism, and misogyny. Prior to 9/11 there were only 20 to 30 cases of islamophobia a year nationally (Wulfhorst, New York City Is Taking Aim At Islamophobia). In 2001 alone there were 481 cases of Islamophobia according to the FBI, which …show more content…

There were numerous counts of terrorism throughout the year that gained national attention. The San Bernardino shooting led some Americans to believe that radical Muslim terrorists can even be within. The Charlie Hebdo shooting also portrayed to some Americans that Muslims are violent, aggressive people. The rise of Isis would be one of the most significant, if not the most, causes for Islamophobia. Isis makes many New Yorkers feel unsafe and skeptic towards all Muslims, even the President Elect believes that. There hasn’t been as many reported cases of Islamophobia in 2015 since 2001. There have been 326 reported cases alone in 2015, this is a 68% increase from 194 cases in 2014, and most of these cases are in New York

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