
Why Do We Need Crime Statistics

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Across the country there are cities that range from millions of residents to thousands. There are also some towns that have a couple hundred barely enough to be called a town. When you look at crime you think of these places and wonder where there could possibly be more crime. In a city a lot of crime is normal do to the population but in a small town with smaller population you won’t see that. The amount of crime reported and processed in a place are the crime statistics and it can vary depending on the situation. Crime statistics can be taken in two ways ( One way it can be taken is crime reports and surveys. Surveys are super important because it can show that people who had a crime happen to them didn’t call in or report the crime. A crime that is not reported to the police is a dark figure of crime (Schmalleger, Frank). These are super important and are sometimes found out about in only surveys. Imagine how many more crime statistics there would be if the dark figures of crime were reported and how many more criminals we could stop. Crime control helps keep order in cities. The crime statistics are taken in two major ways. collecting crime data are law enforcement reports and victimization statistical surveys ( In a big city where more crime happens more law enforcemt will be …show more content…

In my personal opinion I think that it helps Crime Control a lot more and is more useful in keeping order. The main reason for this again is because if the amount of crime goes up in one place then we can send more enforcement to that specific area. This would be helpful everywhere it just another way to keep things under more control. Again, this is my opinion and the scales of justice can tell you something different. According to the scales of justice both processes are portrayed as equal but in all reality they are always tipping and that just depends on the situation and the statistics being

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