
Why Do We Pursue A College Degree?

Decent Essays

First, the United States Department of Education doesn’t prepare the new generation of undergraduates for a college degree. Meet the requirement to university right after graduating high school is difficult for the students. Most undergraduates go to community college because it lot cheap and the university is further expensive to earn a degree. The tuition in state university has increased dramatically than a community college. One realistic American dreams seem a distant memory from our childhood’s dream. While the tuition has increased and it takes longer for students to graduate. On the average, it takes very long time for college student graduation to earn back what they’re spent on the college tuition. Additional, moreover college students’ graduation has been earning less over the years while the tuition has …show more content…

They raise tuition on students because University leaders can make their campus more attractive to new potential students. Which causes more competition between schools and expensive for new generation of students. The real question is college worth it? That I cannot answers because a college education is an investment in your career after college and a career that will last you're of a lifetime. The only answer is to think about your passionate match with your career and you have the resource to support yourself in the college years. You don’t need a college degree to preserve your passion career. There another option career besides a college degree, which is a vocation education across this nation. Vocational education is an option for younger generation of workers and it’s cheap to enroll that is becoming the popular for students seeking a wider variety of career to from choices.The realize is that vocational education can give students the opportunity to improve their employability skills, for the informed about different career options in

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