
Why Do We Use Crazy

Decent Essays

When we think of the word “crazy”, there might be a negative connotation to it for some. Well, it is a word that we normally use to describe someone as demented or loose in the mind. Almost immediately, the term “crazy” brings up scenes of mentally unstable people talking to themselves along the streets. However, if this was the case, why do we still use the word on friends or ourselves so often? Phrases like “You’re crazy for driving so fast” or “I’m going crazy for you” do not exactly raise alarm bells concerning our mental health. Instead, it is more like a figure of speech. In fact, there are many ways that we use “crazy” in our conversations. Apart from its traditional meaning, we use it to describe sudden aggression, anger, extreme enthusiasm, as well as substitute it as a word for “extremely” and “foolish”. So as you can see, “crazy” can take on a lot of different meanings in different contexts. This got me thinking though; why exactly does “crazy” have such a bad reputation? If we get down to it and strip away the context of the situation, isn’t “crazy” just another word we use to describe things that are beyond our common sense? It made me wonder if we were so used to our daily norms and routines …show more content…

Crazy people are able to think outside of the box, and their minds are exploding with creativity and fresh ideas. However, what sets crazy people like Mendel apart are that they are willing to be brave and act on them, because they simply do not care what other people think. They are an entity that separates out from society; they found their own freedom because our cultural norms do not apply to them. In fact, some studies have suggested that intelligence and madness might be closely linked, “with both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder frequent in highly creative and intelligent people”. (Waugh,

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