Do you believe that bullies should be expelled from school? Well bullying often happens when there are no teachers are around; because they know it is wrong and if they did it when a teacher was around, then they would get in trouble. So it is wrong from the start. It is shown that in middle school that bullying occurs more. Probably because there aren't teachers everywhere and we have 9 periods a day so the go a lot of places. But why do they bully people? Maybe there are reasons why they do. Some kids bully because they have been bullied or they have hard times going on at home so they take it out on other people,friend or foe. If they bully you should go talk to a teacher about. Maybe they can do some good. But sometimes they don't do anything AT ALL! They sit around and do nothing. When these kids suffer from enough depression it can be harder to get them out of that mood so there depression sticks longer which also includes the suicidal side of it. And expelling would only make it where they feel worthless. …show more content…
Example, talking back to the teacher, they'd be to scared of being hit with the ruler. But sadly they took that right away in some states but 19 states still have it. South and West, still allow it: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Wyoming, will allow spanking in their state. But this still wouldn't take away the all the bulling. But will people soon take this away too? In these countries they have something called hospitality. Unlike here you get only a
Altogether bullying is not nice and shouldn't happen in any schools, and we must put a stop to it.
Bullying is very bad and because of this about 160,000 of 13,000,000 kids stay home so they don’t get bullied by anyone. Also out of that 13 million 2,000 commit suicide because of the harsh bullying. Since many kids around the world are being bullied schools have been starting an anti-bullying system which brings bullies down by 15%. When kids reported bullying 80% of it is name calling, 39% is hitting or shoving, 38% is threats, 29% is rumor spreading, etc. Everyone should always remember one rule and that is the golden rule, the golden rule is to treat others how they want to be treated, but some bullies just don’t understand so they make everyone feel bad about themselves.
I believe schools should be free of bullying because it is a place where we need to study and build fundamentals for our future. Bullying damages the bullied individuals emotionally, academically, and intellectually. I know this from a personal experience, I suffered from bullying for about three years in high school, and I know how it feels to be bullied and to be afraid to assert myself. The bullies used to bully me by calling me “ugly” and “stupid” and many other phrases…I used to hear these negative words and phrases daily. It even affected my academic performance, and I used to tell myself that it is okay, I am not the only one who has been through this and not survived. Plus, I was scared if I faced them and tried to defend myself, it will be worse, so I used to deal with it by silence. It stopped when I decided to speak up about it to my teacher. After talking to my teacher, who took care of the problem, nobody bothered me after that day. If I had not spoken up and stood up for myself that issue would have never been solved. This example shows the significance for students to speak up for themselves to solve their own problems. Consequently, we should never hesitate to assert ourselves and ask for help if we have an
Bullying is a very serious problem. About 1/10 teenagers drop out of school because of being bullied. Victims of bullies tend to become depressed and many others have even taken their own lives away. Overall bullying has really ruined and hurt many people and it needs to be recognized. The issue of bullying hasn't been exaggerated at all. Additionally, all the attention and awareness that has been spread about bullying is completely appropriate.
There is no reason to bully. You should settle problems in a civil way. We should all come together and try to make an impact on the bullies. One way to help is if we see something report it .We can also have arranged assemblies in school or outside of school. As a group make a website for anti-bullying. Together, as a group we can make a difference if we stand together nothing is impossible
The fact that school related deaths have decreased dramatically since 1992 to 2010 is a sign that schools have taken the right steps to keeping their students safe. But the percentages of students who say they have been bullied is astonishing. 32% of students say they have been made fun of, pushed, spat on, had rumors spread about them, or have been cyber attacked, etc. and to me that is a frightening statistic. I think that schools need to have stricter bullying policies put into place.
Bullying is bound to happen anywhere at any time but occurs mostly within school limits. Kathleen Winkler defines bulling in her book, Bullying, as “...any kind of ongoing physical or verbal mistreatment, done with the intent to harm, where there is an imbalance of power between bully and victim” (Winkler 14). Bullying has an extremely important impact on one’s everyday life and can affect their life negatively getting to the point where they can no longer take the blow. To try and prevent bullying from taking place in schools, one needs to know how bullying effects a person, what the role of each person involved in the situation is, and have knowledge of specific methods on how to prevent it. Bullying in schools is a serious problem and a handful of school do their part to prevent it; others, not as much, which means there is room for improvements.
There are people who believe or will argue bullying is good for kids. They believe it helps children mature and be psychologically good. They believe bullying can only help children understand not everything is good in the world. According to the Daily Mail written by “A study has shown that youngsters are more popular and more admired by teachers and friends if they return schoolyard hostility in
Bullies gain self-pleasure by inflicting pain towards others of the same class, often making their lives miserable. In many cases children may start bullying other children because they don’t understand that is wrong. Bullying also can be learning from home, community, television, movies or internet. The bullies can be also victimization by others, physical abuse, modeling of bullying behavior from parents or lack of supervision by parents.
It’s not a complicated question but psychologically there’s many reasons. Some do it to direct their frustrations, hurt, anger, and difficulty they have from their own lives onto you. Some also get a lack of attention from friends, parents, or teachers and so they bully, just to feel popular and think they are seen as ‘tough’ or ‘cool’ and in charge. Some kids have learned bullying from others such as parents, brothers or sisters, friends. They have seen them get their way by being angry or pushing other people around. Others do it because they are a victim themselves. So, the bully cycle will just keep going around. Reasons children bully is because they do not know how to handle differences between people such as others who are gay or not good at sports. So, children that exhibit different behavior than others are potential targets. One more reason is that others do it to get a feeling of power or because of a low
Bullying is growing day by day and we should make harsher punishments for bullies. Bullying has been happening for a while now and it affects how teenagers are in the real world. Being personally targeted by others in school or out of school can tend to have a negative effect on the victim, and may not always have a good turnout. Bullies need to be punished for their own actions and take the blame for what they have done. Bullies need to learn how it feels and how it could hurt someone so bad they would want to commit suicide. The issue of bullying may seem like something that should not be taken seriously, and it is quite often something we are all just neglect. If you place yourself in the shoes of the victim, the problem is in fact not a joke, but actually serious. We, as a nation, need to help put a stop to bullying and make harsher laws for bullies.
Lives are slowly being lost due to suicide and not only is it affecting themselves but also the people who are around them. Suicide is defined as taking of one’s own life and it is an issue that should be given all attention to. Teen suicide has been talked about in every source of media and it still continues to have a harmful effect in todays generation. In the United States the eighth leading cause of death is suicide, within developing teens, suicide is the third leading cause of their deaths (NAMI). There are many signs of someone who is contemplating suicide. And there are many reason for someone to be driven to the point of suicide. Those reasons being if the teenager is dealing with depression, bullying, sexual abuse and abuse
First should students be suspended from school for bullying another student? Yes a student should be suspended or expelled from school for bullying because it is harassment and other kinds of stuff that can hurt you. Kids now days really don’t have any respect for others but themselves. If you were caught bullying somebody or somebody told on you, you should be suspended or expelled as soon as possible so you don’t do it to any other student. In a number of stated Anti-Bullying has passed a law to kick the student out of school if they were bullying another student. Spreading rumors about another student is considered bullying to. Anything that involves you being mean to another student is considered you bullying. In the U.S 5,621 students get kicked out of school or expelled for bullying.
Schools say “no” to bullying, but why not say “yes”? Bullying is good for teachers, students, classes, and the world. Bullying can help everyone whether they are the bully or the victim. Everyone wins when it comes to bullying. There are so many reasons why instead of saying “Bullying is very bad,” schools should say, “You should bully (but not everyone) because some people need to get bullied.”
Many people do not realize how serious bullying has become. If you look at statistics suicides due to bullying have increased over just a few short years. This has become a very big problem for not only the victim but the bully as well as it affect both of them. School bullying is mentally destructive to not only the victims, but bullies because of the harmful words, harassment, and physical violence involved as well as the consequences for the bully.