
Why I Choose To Be A Nurse

Decent Essays

With an essay topic of "why you have chosen to become a nurse", many reasons come to mind on why I have decided to go to school for nursing; and the fact that an essay of 250 words is going to be no problem since i have so much to say about the subject. My first reason is that my entire family, on both sides , have always been involved in nursing. Another reason is for the job security and need for nurses in many fields. The last reason I'm going to talk about is the want & need to have the knowledge/ability to help anyone in need. The first reason being the easiest (and the most supported by my family of course) is that my entire life I've been surrounded by family that has been either in school for nursing , employed as a nurse or something of the sort. Starting on my dads side I've always looked up to my grandma and my great aunt ; They have a combined 65 years between them (and still counting!). My aunt Beverly has the most experience on my moms side with 20+ years. More recently my mom just finished her PN classes and has been licensed and employed as a nurse for 2 years after being inspired by my uncle (a nurse of 9 years) to do so. There is also a few other cousins/distant relatives i could mention or …show more content…

Our small town of Grundy started to crumble and shrink away after coal was rightfully deemed unclean and hurtful to the environment. The population of my home town has dropped since the 1980's because the need for coal miners dropped drastically. People are forced to move away and family's struggling to get by make the standards of living in that area very low. I want a better life for myself than what my family lived before me . Up until recently I thought it was normal to live paycheck to paycheck , with the possibility with becoming a nurse i wont have to live like that. The job field for nursing is vast and plentiful , It makes me believe I could make a life for myself in this

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