“The American Dream is one of success, home ownership, college education for one’s children, and have a secure job to provide these and other goals.” is one quote from Leonard Boswell that I think properly sums and and explains the future of most American youth. The most important thing to note from this quote is while many people consider this a dream, you can make it happen if you truly work towards it and follow the path of success. Success could mean several different things to each differing person, as no one has the same opportunity available as the next. Under all circumstances, though, everyone could agree that college definitely pushes you towards a fuller life with many more options available when it comes down to finding a career that you want to pursue. …show more content…
One of the most important opportunities that college presents us with is the option to gain better academic education. With many differing options, both in type of degree and field of degree, college presents you with the chance to further discover and learn about whatever field of interest you plan to pursue. If someone were to have interest in art, he or she could engulf time, money, and thought to attending a college focused on artistic ability. If someone had interest in cooking, there are many colleges offering courses culinary classes. There are even classes and courses provided at most colleges that educate you on basic life skills and values, like logic and reasoning or personal finance. If you struggle in a certain department, like public speaking or word composition, you could further seek out a class that helps you better develop weakened skills. All of these different course options for contrasting circumstances and causes already provide reason to believe that college leads to
There was many reasons why I decide to attend college. I am extremely tired of applying for distinctive positions and being rejected for not having a degree. I'm a supervisor now over thirty employees when I see different positions opening in management or higher position. I apply on behalf of the job, gain being interviewed for my experience. Nevertheless, not having a college degree really afflicts me. As a result, I decided to attend college and further my education.
I want to use college as a way to become a better citizen by expanding my perspectives and opinions and providing me with new experiences and opportunities to engage with different people. I believe that Getting a college education will also give me the opportunity to build a better future for me and my family. By studying I hope to learn how I can improve the health of people in the diverse communities surrounding me and work to end the violence found within them.
Colleges give students the opportunity to research and study their preferred subjects in depth. In college, the majority of students are required to take a number of courses, which are known as general education. They expose students to the fundamental ideas of life and intellectual activities. These courses provide diverse perspectives on how human beings think and feel, solve problems, express ideas, create, and discover new knowledge. They also help students achieve the skills essential to deliver reasoned and persuasive arguments both orally and in writing, and identify, acquire and use the knowledge to solve problems. Whether you want to pursue a career in the medical field, engineering, humanities, art, or sociology you need to take these courses to earn a college degree, because they intend to deliver the basic life coaching skills to students that is necessary in life. Education provides students with the understanding of the ideas, cultural movements and informed decision making, which enables them to live a successful life.
I am a Hispanic who lives with wonderful parents who unfortunately could not go to college. It was very expensive for them to attend college. I will be a first generation college student seeking to make a statistical change. I want to be one of those few Hispanics that do go to college and end up getting a doctorate degree. I have lived all my life with one goal: to earn my doctorate degree. I am a young adult fully aware of the hard physical labor my parents have to go through each day to provide for our family. By helping them, I am more aware of how difficult it really is for them. I do not want to live in the tradition of most Hispanics: I do not want to end up in a job in construction, or landscaping that will not allow me to develop my
Since I’m the first person in my family to attend a university, it always appeared important to my family that I receive an exceptional education. The reason why I decided to go to college is because I believe it would help me obtain connections. I chose the W.P Carey School of Business because it is one of the best business schools in the nation and I believe that it would help further improve my education. My major is Global Politics; I choose it because a global politics degree promotes solid business skills and global understanding. A global politics degree will help me become more responsible and improve my leadership skills.
As a first-generation student, the privilege to attend college has always been a goal of mine. The ambition I hold to further my education is due to the encouragement both of my parents have provided me with. Before I graduated high school, my decision was to take a year off before I attended college. As the year went on I came to realize that the choice I made was not to my advantage, I ended up regretting my decision. Throughout my gap year, I became aware of all the advantages college had to offer me and the experiences I was missing out on. It would be remarkable if I were to get admitted to the University of Wisconsin Green Bay. I would get the opportunity to attend a college of my choice and would be able to pursue my education. For me to attend a college in my hometown would be ideal. I would be able to receive the college experience and education close to my home, family, and friends.
They say that college is what you make of it. It's a place of freedom. You can do whatever you want. Wanna go bowling? Sure. Wanna workout? You can. Wanna learn about the arts and humanities? Go for it. This is where my problems began. I stopped paying attention to my education and got caught up in other activities. To tell you the truth, I wasn't properly motivated to do well in college. Yes, there was the general rule of getting good grades to get a good job, but was that all that there is in college? Because of not having a drive, I didn't get straight A's, nor did I ever realize what would happen because of this. I regretted my mistakes when I started to apply for internships. Companies would look at my resume with disappointment. I had the experience, just not the GPA. I saw my friends and family getting internships and opportunities. That was when I decided to get back up on my feet, and start doing something, anything, just to try and get out of this hole I made for myself.
One of the biggest decisions that I have made in my life has been where to go to college. Our counselors were telling us from the tenth grade to have our colleges picked out and start doing well on the SATs. I knew even from that age I wanted to go into engineering, I loved to work with my hands and always wanted to help build new things. I did not know at the time which type of engineering or which school that I wanted to go into.
It's never to soon to start looking into colleges. I am only a freshman in highschool, and I already have my four main colleges I want to apply for in order. You have to be prepared for anything so you have your top choices and the next best. College is the time for you to finally leave home and grow up. You’ll need the perfect one for your job and the way you want to live you life.
For me, turning 16 meant that I needed to discover what I wanted to study in college. Since I would be graduating early, I knew that I only had the next year to figure what I actually wanted to do with my life. At first, that didn’t seem like a problem, but I soon found out that finding a career choice that was not only interesting to me but could help my life remain fairly stable wasn’t going to be easy.
From the young age of twelve, I’ve watched my three older siblings leave for college one by one. First my sister, Kassie, moved to La Crosse, Wisconsin and attended the University of Wisconsin La Crosse. A year later my brother, B.J., moved to Des Moines, Iowa and attended DMACC. A few years later, my other sister, Heather, moved to Dubuque, Iowa and attended the University of Dubuque for one semester then transferred to the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, Iowa. All of my siblings went to college, and I would follow suit and also attend college.
College is about learning how to learn. Lots of students enter college after going through the motions in high school, and don’t knowhow to learn. There are many types of learning methods, the most popular being lecture- styled. But the thing about a lecture is that it is a one- time deal, and then it’s over. You forget everything your teacher said and do miserable on your exams. This is when learning how to learn comes in. College teaches you how to take notes better, how to study better, and how to stay more prepared. It also allows for the development of time management skills, and you learn specific places you like to study. Both of which are perfected by not worrying about having to get a job after college, but more about the eagerness to learn. Learning how to read and analyze what you’re reading is also key things that you develop through the college process. Colleges provides so many resources that you can use to expand the horizon of your learning experience.
Not knowing, knowing, unanswered questions, the suspense, how much more will it take? Will it take seconds or years upon years to figure out one thing? The one thing everyone asks themselves, “What college do I want to go to?” Choosing a college, difficult right? So many choices, so many thoughts on whether it would be good, bad, efficient, excellent atmosphere, accredited, discredited, etc. Basically, the college I choose will have an impact on me for the rest of my life, especially financially, so I need to be smart and efficient when it comes to choosing it. Searching and finding the best college is based on how much someone can afford, can it work with their schedule, and do they offer the courses needed toward their degree. I have been
In the article,“What Is College For”,William Pepicello states that college “....must help students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their professional goals…” This means that college can serve as a stepping stool by providing students with diverse college courses. Also, the intellectual growth one obtains after college has the ability to mentally prepare them for the real world due to the independence they have in college.
This is very intimidating for a single mother to write her first award winning scholarship essay. Someone like myself who has overcome numerous obstacles and hurdles in my life; this is truly one of the most unnerved. Nonetheless, I have declared that it is never too late to want a better future and to become the best of you for you. Growing up in a state where education was not the highest ranked in the nation. Young adults were expected to go into the military or get married after high school. College was never a priority in my community. Actuality, extremely naïve, I didn’t think I would need to go to college. I decided to get married and have a family. Looking back on my decision, I should have chosen college.