
Why I Chose College

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“The American Dream is one of success, home ownership, college education for one’s children, and have a secure job to provide these and other goals.” is one quote from Leonard Boswell that I think properly sums and and explains the future of most American youth. The most important thing to note from this quote is while many people consider this a dream, you can make it happen if you truly work towards it and follow the path of success. Success could mean several different things to each differing person, as no one has the same opportunity available as the next. Under all circumstances, though, everyone could agree that college definitely pushes you towards a fuller life with many more options available when it comes down to finding a career that you want to pursue. …show more content…

One of the most important opportunities that college presents us with is the option to gain better academic education. With many differing options, both in type of degree and field of degree, college presents you with the chance to further discover and learn about whatever field of interest you plan to pursue. If someone were to have interest in art, he or she could engulf time, money, and thought to attending a college focused on artistic ability. If someone had interest in cooking, there are many colleges offering courses culinary classes. There are even classes and courses provided at most colleges that educate you on basic life skills and values, like logic and reasoning or personal finance. If you struggle in a certain department, like public speaking or word composition, you could further seek out a class that helps you better develop weakened skills. All of these different course options for contrasting circumstances and causes already provide reason to believe that college leads to

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