
Why I Chose College Essay

Decent Essays

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela . When education was first introduced in earlier years, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” has been the question that has plagued mankind. Responses like a singer, actress and astronaut were amongst the many popular choices on the long roster of occupations. As we became older more serious responses such as a manager, a chef and a teacher began to surface. The question quickly became clear when do you decide to enroll in college or a university for your career of choice and when does that become a factor?

I knew a college education was a factor when my income could not sustain my basic necessities in life. It became harder for me to stay focused on reading and writing. Education also became a major factor after I recently got married. I soon realized one day I would be responsible for someone other than myself. The thought crossed my mind of “what can I offer my future children.” More importantly what do I have to offer myself? So started researching various college programs, and the tuition amount of these colleges were outstanding. It was at the moment I knew I could not afford this type of schooling, …show more content…

I received similar responses of how their programs worked the tuition prices and longevity of the program. I started asking more in depth questions to each representative that I spoke with. There was only one school that not only answered my questions but made me feel like I was taking a step in the right direction. I was not the only one that felt this way, according to US they report that “6.1 Million students took at least one online class in the fall of 2010 that was only 5 years ago. The amount has tripled since then.” So many people like me, have taken the initiative to changing their life for the better to obtain an

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