
Why I Chose Illinois State University

Decent Essays

I grew up with Illinois State in my blood, because my uncle is a graduate from there, and he loves taking me there to visit and teach me more about the wonderful college. My uncle has grown to become a very respectable and successful man from studying at Illinois State. This connection makes me want to strive to be just like him. While studying at Illinois State, I would like to receive my master’s degree to give me a better chance of a high paying job. Illinois State is an excellent school to pursue my major and that they have the best chance of making me a successful human being in this world after college.

Illinois State offers a good variety on clubs and organizations throughout the campus. The staff supports the clubs in a respectable way, and that is what draws my attention into getting involved at Illinois State. The school offers up to three hundred different clubs. These organizations would help me create new friends and become more known around campus; which would make me feel more comfortable in the environment. …show more content…

Illinois State University is located in Normal, Illinois. This is approximately 169 miles away from my hometown Belleville, Illinois. I believe that being comfortable will be a huge deal in my schoolwork, and sleeping routine. Normal, Illinois is a clean, nice town that I think I could eventually adjust too just like at home. I believe Illinois State is a good fit for me because it is only about two and a half hours away from home. It makes me feel good to know that I am close enough to home, if I ever needed to do anything for my family. I feel like I would be used to the weather, environment, people, and location if I were to stay in-state and further my education at Illinois State

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