
Why I Learned Fundamental Accounting And Finance Courses

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Upon reflecting back on all the MBA courses that I have taken, it has become clear to me that the knowledge that I have obtained through these courses was significant in that it allowed me to efficiently understand the challenges and subsequent strategic decisions would have on an organization such as Big Rock. More specifically, in terms of quickly understanding the current challenges facing Big Rock, my accounting and finance courses were crucial in allowing me to quickly review Big Rock’s financial statement, which subsequently allowed me to effectively gauge its current situation. Prior to enrolling into the MBA program, I felt that my quantitative skills was lacking and as a small business owner during this period, I felt that relied too heavily on my business partner and hired consultants to make financial decisions. I soon realized that lacking such fundamental skills would prove to be a detriment as I attempted to grow a business and in this regard. Because of this, I am truly grateful that not only was I able to learn fundamental accounting and finance skills in a classroom setting, but to apply these specific knowledge and skills in a real-life and practical scenario through this project.
Another course which was extremely useful for this purpose of this project was marketing research. More specifically, when I was presented with marketing data recently obtained from the third-party marketing consulting firm that Big Rock had recently hired, the

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