
Why I Should Be A Junior Advisorr Essay

Decent Essays

Why Noah Enyedy should be a Junior Advisor
I hope in becoming a Junior Advisor and attending the leadership camp I will be able to hone in on my leadership skills and help make our school a fun and safe environment for students to learn. This year I have participated in many extracurricular activities such as Quiz Bowl, and Leadership day. I also plan to use my time as a 4th quarter CS&L student, to make more contributions to the school. I asked some of my classmates how they would describe me, and some of the most common responses I received were, intelligent, friendly, helpful, responsible, resourceful, ambitious and determined. This is likely because, although I do agree with these descriptions and believe I am a leader, I enjoy putting forth the most effort as possible towards school and leadership. When I was the Vice president of student council in 6th grade I took great pride in my work and responsibility. I will take similar pride when I am a Junior Advisor. Students around our school (including myself) create a great environment for our school. We each add something different to the equation but I truly feel that everyone who attends our …show more content…

I always like to say, Home is for silliness, sports is for aggression, and school is for responsibility and seriousness. Each day, I try to balance my life in this way. Being a Junior Advisor would definitely fall into the school category, I will put forth just as much effort into it as I would school. I think that community service is very important. Many organizations that help people in need could not operate without help from volunteers. Millcreek is a great place but, is made even better with the help of volunteers giving their time. I have done many things to serve. For example, I have gone to food gatherers, and have babysat at P.T.A.

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