
Why I Want To Be In America Essay

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Not all children are as privileged as American children. Americans have all they can possible need and want. America is better off financially compared to everyone else in the world.
Love, Faith, Happiness, Laughter, Warmth, Comfort, Joy and Safety. This is what every child wants and needs. A loving family that can accept them for who they are. According to Pettit, (Intercountry Adoption) claims that adopting children from anywhere can be tough. Adoption requires long waiting periods and lots of paperwork; but in the end it is all worth it. By hearing a little child’s cry, laughter, and the happy smile on their face brings joy to families. Children are adorable human beings that need a chance at life. When I was younger I lived in Brazil for three years of my life. If my parents would not have heard or saw the adoption notice I would have not been writing you this paper today. Who knows? If I would be in America? Or what I would be doing at this exact moment if I did not get adopted. Who knows? Maybe some children or all of American children will grow up to become entrepreneurs or one of the greatest people in history. …show more content…

Well, what about the children that live in orphanages or just left out on the streets? What is there outcome supposed to be, helpless, uneducated? Every child is valuable and of great importance just like you and I. Every person is the same and none is better than another. What makes orphanage children different than us? Adoption has become a big need throughout the years world wide. It is sad to think that so many children are in need but it is the truth. There are differing requirements for each country that tend to discourage adoption rather than promote it. Universal standards for adoption are essential to encourage families to

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