
Why I Want To Visit To Mexico Essay

Decent Essays

When you grow up learning and being taught about something, you want to continue the experience. All the way through school you find out important information on Spanish heritage and culture. Everything you see or do today has somehow been impacted by a foreign lifestyle. There are many people in the United States spreading Hispanic ideas like food, language, and religion based off other countries, especially Mexico. To keep up with the rapid growing of this style, you learn more about it in school. Experiencing this for myself is why I want to visit a Spanish country. Many of my friends come from Hispanic cuisine and celebrate ideas us Americans are unaware of. We grow our knowledge in this subject without personally experiencing their culture and natural lifestyle. I have always wanted to have an idea of how they work things like government, jobs, economics, and even religion practices. If I could travel to one place …show more content…

Visiting a diverse country will expand my understanding of their ideal life, including their common food, jobs, education, and celebrations. Continuing to learn more about different cultures in school will be a reminder of my plan to visit Mexico in the future. I will be able to travel there when I am free of making my own decisions and have enough money to pay for the expenses. While the price may be high, it is my dream to travel to Mexico and see where many of my friends have grown their traditions off of. Trying new foods, learn practices Hispanics do in the United States, and obtain new items like tools, books, and textiles is why I want to travel to Mexico. Consequently, growing up learning and being around people from countries of different cultures and experiencing this kind of life is why I have always wanted to explore this country. I can not wait to share my adventures and spread my knowledge of what I discover while in

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