
Why I Want To Volunteer

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Ever since I was little I loved helping and taking care of people. I grew up with hospital knowledge because my mother and my grandmother both work in the medical field at Lahey Medical Center. I had always wanted to volunteer and create new experiences. When I took the medical assisting class that was offered at PVMHS, it gave me the opportunity to volunteer and create long lasting relationships. I started volunteering in the summer of two thousand and fifteen in the ambulatory surgery department at Lahey Medical Center Peabody. Every Wednesday during the summer, and most days when I am off from school, I am given the opportunity to volunteer. Volunteering is something I am passionate about and it helps me create a foundation for my future medical career. Even though I am doing something small, I am making a difference within the hospital. …show more content…

I am given many responsibilities and was expected to do them efficiently and correctly. Even though making a bed may sound simple, it requires multiple steps that have to be followed. For example, the sheets have to be folded a certain way and specific things need to be put on the bed before it can be rolled away. Refilling the supplies in each patient’s room helped make caring for the patient easier for the nurses and doctors. I am also able to have patient contact by tending to their needs such as giving them a drink, some crackers or even lending them my ear. Talking to patients made me learn to become a good listener and to hear their stories, experiences, and advice. On top of that, I am able to observe some surgeries in the operating room. The doctors and nurses had enough trusted in me to know that I would cause any distractions or disruptions. With my time spent up in ambulatory surgery, I have made some long lasting friendships with the

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