
Why I Write A Research Paper

Decent Essays

Since 39C is all about research papers, I put off my plan to take my major requirement class and take 39C first. I wanted to learn how to write a proper research paper before I take other classes because one of the major assignment in the major class will be a research paper. Coming to class, I had no idea what to expect and thought we just write the same thing as Writing 39B only with more outside sources. I did not know the difference between research papers and non research papers. It turns out that Writing 39B and Writing 39C are similar but not quiet the same. 39C students needs to engage with the chosen material and use it to analyze the relationship between the material and the topic, not just coming up an original argument which draws connection in things that seem rather irrelevant and support it with given material and outside sources.
Over the course of the quarter, I have noticed how my writing process changed and how those changes make me to write more efficiently. The biggest difference between 39C and all other writing classes I have taken is that I did not struggle to meet the page limit at all. Prior to 39C, I always needed to add more description just to get to that 1200 words even thought I thought adding those could be kind of redundant. However, when I was writing for 39C, I could easily meet the word limit in the first draft. Also, I noticed that it takes me less time to write a page than before. I think part of the reason is that I started to outline

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