
Why Immigrants Should Learn The English Language

Decent Essays

I propose a program that will help immigrants who want to live in the United States learn the English language to improve their communication and, help third-year U.S. college students who want to become teachers gain practice. First, immigrants would learn to communicate while helping our future teachers gain hands-on training in a classroom setting. Lastly, teaching immigrants to speak English will help cross cultural boundaries and, possibly change our views about immigrants as they will be able to connect and tell their stories. Helping immigrants while helping U.S. citizens in the process is the best way to work together on some immigration issues and views. The program will be called Crossing Boundaries and will help any immigrants who want to live in our country learn English at no cost. It’s important for immigrants to be able to communicate and explain their reasons for coming to the U.S. Crossing Boundaries will be Government funded and held at every college across America. Texts books will be provided by the school with local fundraising and donations. Any third-year student who needs hours to complete their course will teach these …show more content…

Citizens will say they don’t belong here and, that immigrants steal our jobs and health care. Even worse that they are terrorists all because they can’t communicate with an immigrant. Immigrants leave their country for so many different reasons. For some immigrants, they leave to stay alive, to keep their families safe, or to offer their children a better future and education. Crossing boundaries will open doors for immigrants to speak out about their lives and say why they have come to the United States. In return, I believe this will open the minds of many Americans who have never thought about these humans as being just like them. In the end, immigrants are people just like us trying to make a great, happy and free life for

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