
Why Is Abigail Adams Important

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From as early as 1762, to as late at 1817, Abigail Adams, known for dedication to the rights of women, was proclaiming her beliefs and supporting her husband, John Adams, during the American Revolution and through John’s presidency. Throughout the book, Charles Akers is explaining the importance of Abigail Adams to, not only the women she defended, but to the new nation as a whole. Charles was successful in his attempt to explain Abigail’s importance through many detailed explanations of her actions. Born November 22, 1744, Abigail Adams always seemed to be the one in her family coming down with a sickness. This was a major reason for her later interest in health. With four children including the second-oldest Abigail, her family remained …show more content…

On August 10th, John left Abigail alone with the task to manage the farm as he left for Congress. Through her time alone, Abigail experienced the Revolution first hand, with her and John Quincy seeing the Battle of Bunker Hill first hand. It was during this time that Abigail evolved her beliefs that religious and political liberty were inseparable. While John was away, Abigail enjoyed perks of being the wife of a well known revolutionist, and relished the respect she received throughout the community. Although the sole leader of her house, she did not hesitate to open it up to the public as a hospital during a terrible Dysentery outbreak. Abigail enjoyed a small moment of enjoyment when John returned, but in January of 1777, he once again left, leaving Abigail alone with her thoughts. with an abundance of time to contemplate her thoughts, Abigail became increasingly fearful of death in childbirth. during her pregnancy and which John was absent, she experienced toxemia which unfortunately caused a stillborn baby. while John was away, Abigail was in charge of the family. She was determined not to fall into debt, especially during food shortages in Massachusetts. She became very resourceful and even when the farmhand failed during Harvest and managed to harvest an abundance of crops. Abigail was able to make worldly connections by running the farm and conducting John's usual business during his absences. Starting in 1778, Abigail and John experience separation for six and a half years with the exception of one minuscule four month period of

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