
Why Is Abortion Illegal

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Abortion Abortion: legal or illegal? This is a question that many controversies surrounding it. Abortions are the termination of a pregnancy. Some people say it should be legal because it's a woman's right. There are other people who say it should be illegal because it's murder on unborn babies. However, there are always two sides to the story, the one included. Women who tend to have abortions could be young females, rape victims or ill women. Women who wants abortions are less likely to suffer with mental problems like depression than the women who wants an abortion but gets denied one. To access legal professionally-performed abortions reduces deaths over the unsafe illegal abortions being done. Modern day abortions procedures are safe and don' cause long lasting health issues in January 2015 there was a less than one quarter of one percent abortions leads to major health complication (Abortions ProCon). The US Supreme court has declared abortion to be a fundamental right that is guaranteed by US Constitution. The landmark case Roe vs Wade was decided on January 22nd of the year 1973. The favor was for the right to have an abortion. Reproductive choices empower women by giving them the control over their bodies. They get to have control by saying whether they want to have the child or abort the child. People say …show more content…

Unborn babies are considered humans by the US government. The Unborn Victims of Violence Act was enacted to protect unborn children from assault and murder; which states under federal law anybody who wants to kill babies should be punished. Unborn babies are humans with the right to life just as well as an already born human beings do. Upon fertilization a human individual is created with an unique genetic identity that remains unchanged throughout their life. The individual has a fundamental right of life which should be protected (Abortion

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