
Why Is Animal Testing Bad

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Animal Testing Why is animal testing bad?
Animal testing is bad because it is cruel and inhumane, animals are different from humans, it’s wasteful animal testing, the welfare act is being violated, and it’s a waste of government money. Why are we allowing animals to be tested on if it’s cruel, wasteful, and is irrelevant? What purpose if there for animal testing? There are other ways to experiment tests meant for humans, according (Save the Animals: Stop Animal Testing), a well-known cosmetics and bath-product company based in London, develop their products that "use natural ingredients, like bananas and Basil nut oil, that are safe to humans, that are established as healthy. It’s a better way to create products than …show more content…

According to ( Animal Testing and the Law), There are legal tests that include burning, poisoning, starving, forced smoking, mutilating, blinding, electrocuting, drowning, and dissecting innocent animals without painkillers. We allow animal testing to happen all the time to animals, even baby animals! We animal test on cosmetics, medicines, foods, etc. For example, a person decides to test on an animal for a cure to a new disease, it could kill the animal or make it really sick. Testing cures in animals is cruel and inhumane. They shove medicine and other devices down an animals throat or forcefully into the animals body. We don’t recognize that animals, big or small, have feelings and a life too! Scientists who test on animals as their subjects are mean to the animals and force them to do things they don’t want to do. (Sing Animals for Testing), says that in animal testing, countless animals are experimented on and then killed after their use or during the experiment. Other animals are injured and will still live the remainder of their lives in

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