
Why Is College Important

Decent Essays

“Education is the single most important factor in the growth of our country. Specifically, higher education paves a future and provides opportunity for students that attend college and gives them a shot at a career. ... College is misunderstood by many incoming freshman.” This quote from “The New York Times” is a perfect example of why college is one of the biggest educational opportunities in our short lives. My view on the importance of college is having a college education or degree will be that make it or break it point in our life. College is important because of things such as a better income and being more financially secure, you will have less of a chance to be unemployed, and you will have a better job selection.

Another reason why college is very important is because it will help you financially in later life. College will provide a better yearly income of almost $22,000. Having a college degree will open a new horizon of jobs that will be available because employers like that because that because it shows you have a solid education. College student make an average of 1,100 dollars a weekly compared to a high school dropout which will make about 700 dollars a week. A lot of people that I have asked if college is important (including my mom who which I interviewed) agreed with the claim I have made that college is important. …show more content…

This is because the unemployment rate is much lower for a college graduate. A 2010 study showed that college graduates had a 5.4% unemployment rate compared to 10% unemployment rate for non- college graduates. With this lower unemployment rate, people can find a well paying job that they can use to take care of their families. With making only 700 dollars a week this is simply not enough to take care of a family of 3 or

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