
Why Is Evolution Wrong

Decent Essays

Internet Expose
The Theory of Evolution has been a very controversial topic in the past and today’s world. There are many conflicting views and perception that rises when it comes to religious beliefs, values, and ethics. Many people question the theory of evolution however, these claims and arguments have many fallacies that does not justify or prove that evolution is wrong. In my internet expose I have chosen three topics to research and have provided a full analysis of articles from websites that falsely argues against three topics about evolution. The three topics I have chosen to write about is: the evolutionary process of natural selection/how evolution works; the relationship between humans and modern non-human primates (monkeys/apes); …show more content…

He states that “If evolution were true, then where is the evidence of different types of animals now “evolving” into other types? Where is the evidence of cats, dogs and horses gradually turning into something else?” ( Seigelie, Mario) This argument would be a logical fallacy. It is an appeal to ignorance. The author’s lack of knowledge about scientific evidence that prove this to be false. There is actually fossil evidence of evolution from different species. For example, in the article “Excerpted from the Florida Museum of Natural History Fossil Horse Cyber museum, “the horse has “been around for 50 million years, and have evolve from Orrohippus the dog size horse to modern day horses called the Equus. In the article it shows actual evidence and pictures of fossils from horse species and ancestors that existed in the pass and modern times. The reason for these changes overtime is due to environmental factors this is where natural selection occurs. Natural selection is when a specie adapts to changes in the environment by developing traits and changes so they can survive in the new environment. In natural selection the desired trait is often spread to offspring that is why we see physical but gradual changes in species throughout the years as they develop new traits as time progresses and environment changes. Natural selection happens in horses as well. In the …show more content…

However, there are scientific research and evidence that prove otherwise. For example, in the article from Ivy Rose we have many similar anatomical physical features such as “opposable thumbs, hands and feet that can grasp, and 32 teeth”. (Ivy Rose) Two articles that help explain human evolution and our relation with modern primates such as monkeys and apes are: “Human vs. Primates from and “Ape to Human Evolution Eugene M. McCarthy, PHD. These two articles explain there is a significant similarity of how fossils record, physical features, and even some behavioral traits between humans and other modern primates that helps prove that we are related. Another argument that the author makes is that there is a “missing link” When it comes to the speciation of human beings. When in fact there are actually fossil records of these so called “missing links,” that link to human evolution for example according to National Geographic’s and live science .com “Lucy the Australopithecus” and “Homo Habilis, and etc. are all follsil evidence that humans have been evolving for many years forming new traits that make up today’s modern

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